We are continuously spending thoughts which type of events could be interesting for mediators as well as for interested non-mediators. In case there is any particular topic you would be interested in, or in case you have additional ideas, which activities of the Life Science Practice Group could be useful for you, please don`t hesitate to contact us and let us know. For the moment, our focus is on creating more general awareness that commercial mediation can be a very useful tool for resolving disputes in a fast, efficient and sustainable way.
Overview presentation at the Global Pharma Supply Chain and Logistics Forum
19th September 2024, Munich
Dr. Stefan Ibing was invited to the Global Pharma Supply Chain and Logistics Forum in Munich, to give another awareness presentation about commercial mediation as effective dispute resolution tool. His presentation about Commercial Mediation as an Effective Tool to Solve Supply Chain Tensions and Disputes triggered a very interesting discussion among the conference participants.
„Mediation – eine interaktive Live-Demo„ at Schweizer Anwaltskongress
8th June 2023, Kultur- und Kongresszentrum Luzern
The same SCCM colleagues were also invited to the Swiss lawyers congress (Schweizer Anwaltskongress) organized by the Swiss lawyer association (SAV – Schweizer Anwaltsverband), to present their interactive live-demo of a commercial mediation in the life science area. For this, the same fictitious case study about a distribution dispute concerning pharmaceutical products was used and led to very good and interactive discussions with the audience.
„Mediation – eine interaktive Live-Demo„ at Verband der Schweizer Unternehmensjuristen
18th April 2023, Zürich
Together with some colleagues from the SCCM, Dr. Stefan Ibing joined a meeting of the Swiss inhouse lawyer association (VSUJ – Verband der Schweizer Unternehmensjuristen), kindly hosted by Bär & Karrer in Zürich, to zoom into an interactive live-demo about commercial mediation in the life science area. This was demonstrated based on a fictitious case study about a distribution dispute concerning pharmaceutical products.
Overview Presentation at the 3rd Contract Risk Management Forum
9th March 2023, Frankfurt am Main
On 9th March 2023, Dr. Stefan Ibing gave another overview presentation about „Resolving Disputes via Commercial Mediation (Alternative Dispute Resolution)“ at the 3rd Contract Risk Management Forum in Frankfurt am Main. This was also part of the general awareness campaign for commercial mediation of the Swiss Chamber of Commercial Mediation.
Overview Presentation and Roundtable Discussion at the „Rethink! M&A“ Conference
26th September 2022, Frankfurt am Main
For the 26th September 2022, Dr. Stefan Ibing was invited to give another overview presentation about commercial mediation at the „Rethink! M&A“ Conference in Frankfurt, titled „Streitigkeiten im Zusammenhang mit M&A Deals? Commercial Mediation als ´food for thought´“ (Disputes in the context of M&A deals? Commercial mediation as food for thought). This was followed on the second day of the conference by roundtable discussions in world cafe style, which lead to great indepth discussions with the participants about the potential of commercial mediation as dispute resolution tool.
Overview Presentation at the „6th Contract and Risk Management Summit“
23rd September 2022, Lisbon
On 23rd September 2022, Julia Jung and Dr. Stefan Ibing were giving another overview presentation on commercial mediation for the SCCM at the „Contract and Risk Management Summit“ in Lisbon. This presentation was about „Mediation as Dispute Resolution Tool? Thoughts from the Inhouse Perspective“ and in addition, Dr. Stefan Ibing was invited to join a podium discussion about „Resolving Disputes, Challenges and Unsuspected Changes after a Contract has been finalized“.
Overview Presentation at the Conference „6. Jahrestagung Good Distribution Practice“
12th September 2022, Bonn
Another overview presentation as part of our general awareness campaing was given by Dr. Stefan Ibing at the conference „6. Jahrestagung Good Distribution Practice“ in Bonn, Germany. He spoke about „Management von Streitigkeiten aus Verträgen – Denkanstöße aus der Inhouse-Perspektive“ (management of contractual disputes – thoughts from the inhouse perspective), with a special focus on business-to-business mediation.
Overview Presentation at the Conference „Corporate Risk Minds 2022“
7th July 2022, Berlin
On 7th July 2022, Dr. Stefan Ibing was invited to give an overview presentation about Commercial Mediation at the risk management conference „Corporate Risk Minds 2022“ in Berlin (www.corporate-risk-minds.com). Content of the presentation was „Risiko-Management von Vertragsstreitigkeiten im Business-to-Business Bereich“ (risk management of contractual disputes in the business-to-business area).
10th Roundtable on B2B Mediation – „Where are we heading to resolve disputes in the future“
18th May 2022, Zürich
A BIG THANK YOU to James T. Peter for organizing this event. We had a very interesting discussion on 18th May given the broad range of experience of the panel members from different industries: Hans-Peter Dürr (Head of Contracts and Risks, ABB Switzerland), Philipp Horber (Senior Legal Counsel, Coca-Cola HBC Switzerland), Sandra Werlen (Lead Lawyer, Siemens Schweiz AG) and Dr. Stefan Ibing (Head of Legal CEE Pharma, Novartis).
SCCM-internal „kick off call“ Life Science Practice Group
8th November 2021, VC
On 8th November 2021, we hosted the SCCM-internal „kick off call“ of the newly created Life Science Practice Group. In an internal video-conference of SCCM members who are interested in life science mediation, we collected additional ideas and feedback which acitivites of the Life Science Practice Group could be interesting for SCCM members.
Overview Presentation „B2B Mediation im Vertriebskontext – ein Muss?“
23rd September 2021, Zürich
On 23rd September 2021, Julia Jung and Dr. Stefan Ibing were invited by the lawyer-network of www.distributiontalks.ch to hold an interactive presentation about business-to-business mediation in front of inhouse counsels from various companies (e.g. Migros, Zurich, Tillotts Pharma, TONI Digital, Capri Sun, Delica, Coca-Cola, etc.). We had a very interactive discussion about „B2B Mediation im Vertriebskontext“ (B2B mediation in the context of distribution). Many thanks for the invitation and the great discussion! We were impressed that most of the participants shared our opinion that mediation should be used much more as a tool for resolving commercial disputes outside of litigation/ arbitration.